E-ledger, which is required to be kept in accordance with the tax procedure law and the Turkish code of commerce, has gone in effect according to the e-Ledger general communiqué with the serial number 1.General journals and general ledgers can be kept as e-ledgers in compliance with the format and standards announced by the revenue administration.
The establishments that have at least 10 millions Turkish Liras of gross sales annually have to switch to the e-Ledger application until 1st January 2016.Natural and corporate persons using the e-Invoice application also have to switch to the e-Ledger application.
The Sentez Live e-Ledger process is composed of a few definitions. After declaring the Sentez Lice e-Ledger parameters on a few screens, your program will be ready for the e-Ledger application. You can ask for help about the declarations from our Sentez Live e-Ledger and e-Invoice support team 7 days 24 hours.

SentezLive E-Ledger
In order for you to attain effective time management and work force saving using the SentezLive e-Ledger solution that has got confirmation of compliance from the Revenue Administration, we recommend you to apply for switching to the e-Ledger application until the end of December.
In compliance with the general communiqué regulations, the general ledgers and general journals are prepared in accordance with the required standards. In order to use the created files as an e-Ledger, it has to be sealed with the financial seal on the SentezLive e-Ledger application and you have to get the charter. The charter file is sealed and uploaded by signing in the e-Ledger application on edefter.gov.tr .The charter file is then sealed with the Revenue Administration’s seal and can be accessed in a downloadable form. The ledgers and submitted charters created using SentezLive application are kept over the course of the retention period.
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